Wrinkles have a way of getting under our skin, literally. Because wrinkles form when the renewal of skin protein slows, it can be difficult to combat wrinkles and fine lines without a little help. One of the most reliable ways to fight against wrinkles is to introduce the sub-dermal layers of skin to some helping hands to restore a more youthful appearance. At Dr. Renée Moran Medical Aesthetics in Newton Centre, MA, we have found that some of the best helping hands are injectable treatments, such as Dysport. You might want to ask how fast Dysport work?
How Fast Does Dysport Work?
When we weigh the pros and cons of cosmetic treatments, we always end up questioning exactly how fast does dysport work. For aesthetics, it’s all about a speedy, effective delivery. Luckily, Dysport has one of the quickest response times of any injectable treatment on the market. After your treatment, it only takes 2 to 4 days for the results of the injection to become noticeable.
Will You Need Multiple Treatments?
Yes and no. For individual treatment, usually one injection is enough to produce desired results. However, depending on the condition of the area of being treated, it might be necessary to use a greater amount of the injectable solution for optimized results. As to how many treatments you will need overall, you will need multiple treatments to maintain desired results.
How Long do Results Last?
Results for this treatment generally last between 3 and 4 months before the results of the injection begin to fade. The injection will last for only as long as it takes for the body to metabolize the solution. Most patients opt to have this treatment 3 to 4 times a year to maintain results.
Dysport 101
While the speed and longevity of this treatment is plenty to be excited about, there are several other appealing qualities about this treatment that attract prospective patients. Before you call to schedule your appointment, learn all the ins and outs of this special cosmetic treatment.
What is Dysport?
Dysport is a non-surgical, minimally invasive injectable anti-aging treatment. An injectable treatment is one that is performed with a thin needle, which is inserted into the skin to deliver the solution directly to the sub-dermal layers of skin. While injectable treatments are primarily used to treat the symptoms of visible aging, this treatment can be used for patients in their mid-to-late 20s.
How it Works
The main principle behind injectable treatments is to take out the middle man–the topmost layer of the skin, called the epidermis–to treat the sub-dermal layers. For skin, the condition of the hidden dermis is a fair indicator of what the superficial layers of skin will look like. Injectable treatments get right to the root of the problem because they use a small needle to treat specifically targeted areas of the face.
What’s the secret to this particular speedy injectable treatment? The key lies within the injectable solution.
Neurotoxins vs Fillers
As a class of treatments, injectables typically fall within one of two camps; they are either formulated with skin-plumping fillers or muscle-relaxing neurotoxins. Let’s break down their main differences.
With 43 muscles in the face, it is easy to see how a constantly pinched facial expression can leave its mark on the skin. Luckily, neurotoxin injections target each of those 43 muscles to help them unclench and relax. When the muscles of the face are relaxed, the skin loses its tension and many of the wrinkles on the skin surface soften or disappear completely. Neurotoxins work by canceling out the neurotransmitters associated with muscle movement.
Dermal fillers are mostly concerned with replacing lost volume within the sub-dermal layers of skin. As we age, the natural regenerative abilities within our skin slow to a point where they become unable to hold moisture or maintain the structure of the skin. Dermal fillers are usually composed of naturally occurring solutions to replace what is lost and stimulate further production of new skin proteins, such as hyaluronic acid and collagen.
The Difference Between Dysport and Botox
Many patients are surprised to learn that Botox is very similar to this treatment. In fact, both of these neurotoxin injectables use the same neurotoxin, botulinum, to counter neurotransmitters in the muscles. However, these two injections are not exactly interchangeable. The main difference between these injections is the versatility of use. While this treatment is approved for specific areas of the face, Botox can be used on virtually any part of the face.
Which is Better?
Choosing which of these neurotoxin injectables you should use is something that can be determined by you and your physician. In general, we use this treatment to correct mild-to-moderate appearance concerns. However, it should be noted that while your body will eventually build up a tolerance to the botulinum toxin, the natural resistance to the toxin in this injectable treatment will take longer. As it is, many patients alternate between the use of both neurotoxin injections to prolong results.
What Does Dysport Treat?
This treatment is cleared for specific use between the eyebrows to soften the appearance of glabellar lines. Also called No. 11 lines, glabellar lines are the parallel lines that form between the eyebrows. Glabellar lines are usually the first forehead wrinkles to appear on the face, some forming as early as the mid-20s. Additionally, this treatment is used off-label to treat:
- Drooping eyebrows
- Frown lines
- Crows feet
- Downturned corners of the mouth
- Forehead lines and creases
Is this Treatment Safe?
This injectable has FDA approval for the treatment of glabellar lines. Clinical studies have shown that this treatment remains effective for up to 4 or 5 years of consecutive treatments. This treatment is seeking further approval for off-label treatment areas and has a low risk of side effects.
What Can You Expect from Dysport Treatment?
As a treatment that has been cleared by the FDA for less than a decade, many patients are eager to know what they can expect from this treatment. While as a rule of thumb most injectable treatments have the same overall process, there are a few special things you can expect when you have this treatment. At our office, we take pride in our cautious, patient-centered approach to treatment. Here are the main steps of your treatment:
You will first need to attend a consultation appointment so that we can determine if this treatment is right for you. We will need to ask several questions, including your expectations for treatment, your overall aesthetic goals, and the areas of your skin that are of greatest concern. We will gather some information about you, such as your general medical history, any medications or supplements you might be taking, any previous dermal filler treatments you have had in the past, and any drug allergies you may have.
You may need to perform an allergy test at the time of your appointment. Allergy tests consist of putting some of the injectable solution on the skin of your inner-arm and waiting to see if you have a negative reaction. Most drug allergies are apparent within 20 minutes of the treatment. If you have no allergic reaction to the solution, we will schedule your treatment appointment.
Pre-Treatment Guidelines
Before your appointment, we will provide you a list of pre-treatment guidelines you will be expected for follow. These guidelines are made with your best interests in mind and will help ensure that your treatment is safe, effective, and successful. Some pre-treatment guidelines will include:
- Discontinue use of blood-thinning medications
- Avoid certain herbal supplements and vitamins
- Do not use Retinol products
- Avoid salty, spicy, and sugary foods for 48 hours
- Do not drink alcohol or use tobacco products
If you develop a cold, the flu, or any skin legions such as a cold sore, we ask that you reschedule your treatment appointment. We also recommend that patients wait to schedule this treatment until two weeks after their last cosmetic treatment. You will not need to arrange for transportation after your treatment is finished.
We will cleanse your face to remove any excess dirt, oil, and make-up. For patient comfort, we do offer a topical numbing cream that can be used to ensure your comfort for the duration of the treatment; please let our staff know in advance if you would like to use this cream. Your injections will be done at targeted treatment sites identified by your treatment plan. This portion of the treatment will take about 30 minutes.
Post-Treatment Guidelines
After your treatment is complete, we will provide you with a list of post-treatment guidelines for you to follow. These guidelines will help you through the recovery time and help make sure that you have optimal results. Some post-treatment guidelines will include:
- Keep head elevated for at least 4 hours
- Do not use blood-thinning medications
- Continue avoiding certain supplements and vitamins
- Do not use Retinol products
- Abstain from salty, spicy, or sugary foods for 1 to 3 days
- Do not drink alcohol or use tobacco products
- Follow our washing and care instructions
- Do not use make-up for 24 hours
- Do not wear hats or headbands
We may give you additional directions to follow, such as advice on how to use cold compresses or the best positions to sleep in. We also ask that patients do not schedule other cosmetic treatments 2 weeks after this appointment.
The recovery time for this treatment takes about 7 to 10 days, or until the injection is fully settled into the skin. During your recovery time, it is important to keep your head elevated and to avoid rubbing the skin. Please protect the skin by avoiding excessive heat and sunlight, and always wear sun protection when you go outside. You will be able to return to work within 24 hours.
You will notice results from this treatment within 2 to 4 days after your appointment. Results will continue to improve for 7 to 10 days and will then last for about 3 to 4 months.
Are You a Good Candidate?
The majority of patients who are interested in this treatment make good potential candidates. If you are not satisfied with your overall appearance and would like to restore a more youthful appearance, you are likely a candidate for this treatment. Ideal candidates do not have any allergies to the active ingredients in the injection. You may be a good candidate if you want to improve:
- No. 11 lines
- Forehead lines and wrinkles
- Droopy eyebrows
- Crow’s feet
- Wrinkles at the corner of the mouth
- Dimples in the skin
Discover the Difference Today!
Wrinkles on your skin don’t need to be a reason to frown. It’s time to stop letting wrinkles get under your skin and start rethinking your aesthetic possibilities. If you’re ready to discover the difference that Dysport can make for you, contact us at Dr. Renée Moran Medical Aesthetics in Newton Centre, MA to schedule your consultation appointment today!