Before your treatment, Dr. Moran will perform a complete medical history to determine if you are a good candidate for treatment. Dr. Moran will also perform a complete facial examination to see which areas of your face can benefit from the treatment. You will be asked to do things like raise and furrow your eyebrows, squint, and wrinkle your nose. Factors such as wrinkle crease depth and symmetry are noted, and your treatment plan will be designed around those findings. Dr. Moran will ask about medications you are taking, allergies you may have, or activities you may be undergoing.
Right after the treatment, expect a slight discomfort from the injected areas. There shouldn’t be any pain afterward. You may be asked to perform facial exercises by frowning and smiling frequently for the next hour right after the treatment. Approximately 10 days later, you will start to see the effects of the neurotoxin in the form of less wrinkles and smoother skin. You can resume your normal daily activities right after the treatment, although anything strenuous should be avoided for one to two days.